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Pimples on Vagina: The Prevention, Causes, and Treatments

Here’s everything you need to know about vaginal acne and how to bid them goodbye forever. 

Are you struggling with vaginal acne? Pimples on vaginal area are far more common than you think. Whether it is because of our sweaty yoga pants, wet bathing suits, razors, bikini waxes, or friction-causing clothing, we all experience the occasional vaginal acne breakout. While a pimple on vaginal area is common, it can cause discomfort. I have put together an informative vaginal acne guide to help you prevent pesky breakouts down there. 

What is vaginal acne?

Like other types of breakouts, a pimple on vaginal area develops when the pores get clogged. Vaginal acne develops when bacteria, dirt, and sweat build up inside a pore, leading to inflammation. Your risk of getting a pimple on vaginal area can increase if you practice poor hygiene. Blackheads can also appear on the delicate skin near your vulva and bikini line.

What causes vaginal acne?

If you want to avoid getting a pimple on vaginal area, it is crucial to know the root cause. Here are some of the most common causes of vaginal acne:

Ingrown hair

Beauty portrait of feminine woman with soft clean skin looking at pink razor in her hand, preparing for body treatment isolated over white background

An ingrown hair forms when the hair follicle curves downward, forcing the hair tip to curl into the skin. This results in a foreign body reaction, characterised by inflammation, itchy papules and pustules, and hyperpigmentation. Shaving, plucking, and waxing are the main causes of ingrown hair. In fact, according to one study, 32.7% of females who had their pubic hair removed experienced ingrown hairs at some point.


Serious woman doing relaxation exercise at home

Sweat is one of the most common reasons for developing pimples down there. So, if you love to work out, you may be more susceptible to vaginal acne. Extreme sweating combined with excessive sebum production and tight workout clothes is the ideal recipe for vaginal acne. 

Molluscum contagiosum

A viral infection known as molluscum contagiosum can cause small, raised papules to appear anywhere on the body. There could be one or a big cluster. Even though painless, they can occasionally become quite itchy. They may appear flesh-coloured, pink, or white. Skin-to-skin contact, whether sexual or nonsexual, is the primary method of transmission.

Genetics and hormones

If you have deep, painful lesions filled with pus that resemble blackheads, you could be dealing with hidradenitis suppurativa (a less common vulva-related dermatological condition). Obesity is a risk factor for these lesions, and there is a genetic predisposition to them. ​​People with this condition appear to do better when their hormones are controlled by birth control pills. So, it is also thought that hormones play a role in this condition.

How to treat and prevent vaginal acne?

Vaginal breakouts can be very uncomfortable. ​​Fortunately, there are a few different methods you can try to avoid getting pimple on your vagina and to soothe any pre-existing bumps.

Be careful with hair removal

In order to avoid vaginal acne, it is important to be careful with hair removal. If you prefer shaving, keep your razor blade sharp by changing it every two to three shavings, and store it blade side up in the shower to prevent bacterial contamination. 

Warm compress

Try applying a warm compress to the area to relieve any pain or itching. 

Just squeeze out a small towel after soaking it in warm water, then apply it to the skin. Always completely dry the area before dressing it to prevent bacterial growth.

Try benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is an excellent solution to treat pimples on vaginal area. Medicated body washes with benzoyl peroxide can be beneficial for treating bumps. Choose a product with 5% or less benzoyl peroxide if you have sensitive skin to avoid rashes. In addition, these washes can also be used as maintenance before shaving.

To learn more about vaginal acne and how to get rid of pimple on vaginal area, schedule a consultation with me. To book a consultation with me, click here.